RELATIONSHIPS, SEXUAL HEALTH AND PARENTHOOD (RSHP) EDUCATION: A new national teaching and learning resource for Scotland
Last week saw the launch of a new national RSHP online teaching and learning resource, now available at
The resource provides a comprehensive set of learning activities for teaching staff in all schools and early years establishments as well as informal learning settings, to deliver high quality, up-to-date and engaging age and stage appropriate RSHP education for children and young people across the entire 3-18-year-old age range of Curriculum for Excellence. This new resource is also designed to be inclusive for learners with mild to moderate additional support for learning needs.
Waverley Care fully supports the launch of this new online resource. Jo Sykes, Wave manager, says “It is fantastic for Scotland to have this toolkit, that is inclusive of a broad range of themes and that supports a consistent approach to RSHPE at a national level.”
“Until now, young people across the country have had vastly different learning experiences in this enormous subject area, and a lack of information and understanding can lead to vulnerability within sexual health and relationships. We know that young people themselves have been calling for better RSHPE, and this new curriculum will be hugely beneficial for them as well as the professionals delivering the resources.”
What is particularly great about the new resource is that it allows third sector professionals, such as youth workers, to take the same approach to RSHPE as those working within educational settings. This will give young people consistency in the support they receive around sexual health and relationships.
Funded and developed by a partnership of local authorities and health boards, with advice from Education Scotland and the Scottish Government, the resource has drawn together and updated the best RSHP learning activities being delivered in Scotland and compliments these with a new set of activities designed to cover existing gaps.
The resource’s content will be updated on a regular basis to ensure it continues to meet the changing learning needs of children and young people in today’s society. Support and training for using the new resource is available:
To find out how Wave can support the delivery of the new RSHP resources within your school/organisation, contact for more info or visit