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'What Young People Want' report

We ran a consultation survey asking young people in Highland about their sexual health & relationship education experiences and needs.

The purpose of the survey was mainly to inform the development of our education resources. We had a staggering 1,195 young people from all areas of Highland respond and, due to the substantial amount of information we were able to collate, we decided to publish a report with our findings.

With the Scottish Government having commissioned a new Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Education (RSHPE) curriculum due to be launched next year, the information we have gathered is currently very relevant and our results support the inclusion of young people in such developments to ensure their needs are met.

Our findings show that young people want to talk about their sexual health more, need access to accurate and relevant information, and would like support from sexual health experts such as Wave where possible.

Download the full report.

Nairn Academy's Domestic Abuse Posters

In June 2019, we took part in a project around tackling domestic abuse in young relationships.

The project was delivered in partnership with Highland & Islands Police Division, AMIS, Nairn Academy, and our SX ScotlandWaverley Care team.

From that project, Nairn Academy S3 students created three fantastic posters, which are available to download and print below. Just click each image to get a downloadable version...

'It Stresses Me Out' Report

This report describes the findings of a research project exploring the sexual health needs of young people living in Highland, funded by NHS Highland Public Health.

The findings of this survey will be used to inform the development of sexual health services in Highland, with a particular focus on implementation within Covid-19 recovery planning. The findings will also be used to develop Wave.

The report presents findings from a survey carried out over a four-month period from June 2021 to September 2021.

Download the full report.